Frequency Gradient Filter

The Frequency Gradient Filter is a simple mathematical Filter that selects Events and colorize them according to the frequency at which values taken by all the selected Events occur on a given Axis.


Dialog of the frequency gradient filter


A parallel view using the default event color


The same parallel view using a frequency gradient on the ‘Result Code’ axis


This filter’s dialog gives access to three parameters.


The first parameter enables to choose the considered axis. It is controlled using a combo-box.


Scale type

The second one enables to choose between a linear or a logarithmic scale to map the frequences to the resulting color. It is controlled using a combo-box.


Frequency range

The last parameter enables to graphically define the frequency range for which the gradient will be applied to. The lower and upper bounds handles can be dragged as usual sliders. The bounds can be set more precisely using the two spinboxes. To set the range fastly (but with less precision), the lower bound can be changed by left-clicking in the color-ramp and the upper bound can be changed by right-clicking in the color-ramp.



There are one way to access this filter.

By using the ‘Frequency gradient…’ menu entry:
